Topic outline

  • General

  • First Steps

    • Teamwork

      1. Split into 4 groups.
      2. Each group is to find an example of a game for every definition in its list:
        • Group 1: Game Views
        • Group 2: Game Genres
        • Group 3: General Terms - first half
        • Group 4: General Terms - second half
  • JavaScript Basics

    • Classwork

    • Write the programs in JavaScript:

      1. Create variable 'r' and assign any value to it. Compute a circle square using 'r' as a radius.
      2. Create variables 'a' and 'b' and assign values to them. If 'a' is equal or greater 'b' print a word "Haha!" to the console. Otherwise print "meow)".
      3. Print to the console numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 … up to 20.
      4. Create an array of 10 different numbers. Output to the console even numbers.
      5. Write a function that receives parameter 'a' as a circle radius and returns the square of this circle.
      6. Using jQuary create a function that handles a click event on any object in web-document. On every click this function should output to the console a message "OMG! I'm clicked!".
    • URL icon
    • Homework

    • In Student's book read Chapter 2 JavaScript Boot Camp.

      Answer the questions:

      1. What is JavaScript?
      2. How to test a JavaScript code in a browser?
      3. What is "NaN" being used for?
      4. What is incorrect variable name in JavaScript?
      5. Which shorthand assignments are used in JavaScript?
      6. What is the difference between operators "==" and "==="?
      7. How to concatenate strings in JavaScript?
      8. How to create an array and show it in the console?
      9. What happens if we put "break" statement inside a loop?
      10. What is Document Object Module? What is jQuery?
    • URL icon

      Complete all exercises except "JS Object", "JS Event", "JS Math", "JS Dates" and "JS HTML DOM".

      Additional: in the left menu in every module after the last exercise there is a link "Go to JS <smth> Tutorial" where you can find the information about topics we didn't pass at the lesson. You can learn them and complete excluded exercises.

    • Assignment icon
  • Introduction to HTML5 Canvas

    • Class exercises

      1. Draw a rectangle, an arc, a triangle.
      2. Rotate and move the figure.
      3. Create a simple motion of the figure from top left side of canvas to right bottom.
      4. Make the figure moving by pressing the right arrow on keyboard.
    • Homework

      In Student's book read Chapter 3 It's All About Context: Canvas Basics.

      Answer the questions and write the sample programs for every question:

      1. How to draw two different rectangles on a web page?
      2. How to draw an arc?
      3. How to draw a triangle?
      4. How to rotate the figures in the canvas?
      5. How to draw a moving shape (using window.setInterval() )?
      6. How to process mouse or keyboard events with canvas?
    • Have some fun!

      First of all code and execute all examples from Student's book. Be sure that you understand how every function works.

      Now you're able to draw a shape in the canvas and make it move with the keyboard or mouse. Now create a program doing something interesting for you. Anything you want! Absolutely free.

      At the next lesson we will see over the programs made by all students in the group. Be ready to demonstrate your work!

  • Game Design

    • Project

      1. Describe an idea of a game. You can think out your own game or choose your favorite one.
      2. Describe the audience of the game.
      3. Describe the competitors.
      4. Look at artistic direction and add new ideas to the game description.
      5. Perform project review.
      6. Imagine that you have completed the development and deployment steps. Write the announcement for your game and describe your ideas for launching company.
  • Game Essentials

    • URL icon
    • Exercise

      1. Install Inkscape.
      2. Make a sketch.
      3. Produce a vector picture of your sketch.
  • First Big Game

    • Project

      In Student's book read Chapter 6 Your First Game: Alien Turtle Invasion.

      1. Realize the game from the book with your own hands.
      2. If possible, change any desired component of the game.
  • Facebook Platform

    • Classwork

      1. Go to
      2. Create an application.
      3. Look over the application page interface.
      4. Install Git for your OS.
      5. Install Ruby.
      6. Open Windows Command Prompt and install Heroku by command
        gem install heroku
      7. Test Heroku by typigng in the command prompt